View of WG from top of adjoining spoil heap. Hoping for a range of seasonal images of the same view as the year progresses.

Looking down from the spoil heap, yawn.

Another view from the spoil heap after exposure in LRC to make sky more dramatic and stand out.

Demonstrating impact of perspective on composition.

My favourite shot from the grass field shoot, get down low and focus on a few strands.

An accident, the bird had flown. Nice sky but I cannot remember it this dramatic for real!

The bat barn, version 1

Just another snowy tree off the balcony!

Bat barn v2, black and white, contrast enhanced. Desired subject, the bat barn, still not strong enough.

Getting closer to the bat barn as the desired subject but still not clear enough.

Get down and dirty amongst the daffodils. (No daffodils were heart in the making of this image).