Cherry tree Rowan Lane. This lovely tree is not long for this world. Difficult to photograph because of the background in all directions.
Now it gets darker earlier; I am more likely to catch the sunset sky in the evening. This one had potential but petered out. It is a bit too dark for my liking but increasing the exposure brings in too much noise.
Writing about photographing fireworks got me thinking about "painting with light". In this case I used a penlight as a pendulum suspended above my camera.
Alongside all the storms there was some great photographic light.
Photograph taken into the sun (hidden behind tree) to accentuate the shadows and colour of the light. (Contre-jour)
Taken with my iPhone so it was not possible to create shallow depth of field in camera. Lens Blur added in LightRoom.
A long (20 second) exposure has exposed multiple firework trails giving the impression they were all at the same time.
A better composition would be with Sonny a bit further along the path, but he ran off the path!
Taken with iPhone on automated long exposure setting. Then processed to +/_ 2stops and merged as an HDR set, This has brought out detail in the sky and subdued the bright lights of the swimming pool.
iPhone long exposure (automatic mode selection)
Not surprising for autumn, many tree pictures this month.
The same tree pictures as Black and White